Encrypted Cellphones

Specialised operating system.

OS Secure

  • Reduction of the attack surface.
  • Data protection.
  • Multiple options for total data deletion.
  • Integrated secure firewall.
  • Triple password protection.
  • Angular control (detailed flow control).
  • Boot integrity check and encryption loader.
Specialised operating system.

OS Secure

  • Reduction of the attack surface.
  • Data protection.
  • Multiple options for total data deletion.
  • Integrated secure firewall.
  • Triple password protection.
  • Angular control (detailed flow control).
  • Boot integrity check and encryption loader.
Specialised operating system.

OS Secure

  • Reduction of the attack surface.
  • Data protection.
  • Multiple options for total data deletion.
  • Integrated secure firewall.
  • Triple password protection.
  • Angular control (detailed flow control).
  • Boot integrity check and encryption loader.

Double security for your mobile

Multiple solutions for data security
on your mobile device.

Hardware Solutions

We provide mobile phones of our own design to
counter attempts to access hardware.

Software Solutions

Customised operating system on Android (OS Secure)
with multiple layers of defence.

Empower your company's mobile security at the click of a button.